Healing Constipation The Natural Way

Healing Constipation The Natural Way

Almost everyone has experienced constipation at least once in their lifetime, and more often than not, it can be a condition that presents itself more often than one would like. Obvious things like stress, processed or fried foods or even less obvious things such as dense foods like legumes, grains, or plain old dehydration.

The challenge with fibre supplements is that many of them contain additives, dyes or preservatives which can all be very harsh on the intestinal tract.It’s best to find a natural solution and get to the root of your constipation so that you can find relief in eating a healthy diet. Start off with a combination of two or more of the following natural remedies for persistent constipation.

  1. Get hold of a two-litre bottle of water and infuse it with you favourite citrus like lemon or lime. Aim to get through at least two of these throughout the day but make sure to sip it at room temperature.

  2. Eat green vegetables and fresh fruits. Try to avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes or carrot. Starch can be irritating during constipation so it's best to limit your intake.

  3. Flush waste solids through your system with a fresh fruit juice. It might even be an idea to replace carb-loaded snacks for a juice packed with pineapple, apple, and berries. Add half an inch turmeric and ginger for a serious hit of fibre.

  4. Try drinking Apple Cider Vinegar once in the morning and one at night. I’ve put together some recipes for a little bit of inspiration. Click here to read my Apple Cider Vinegar recipes.

  5. Aloe is an adaptogen so it helps with either constipation and diarrhoea. It also helps to decrease the amount of unfriendly bacteria in the gut. Try adding it to your fruit juice.

  6. Eat more healthy fats like chia seeds, hemp seeds, and avocado. But do keep in mind that it’s actually a good idea to avoid combining fats when you are constipated.

  7. Reduce or eliminate your intake of animal products, high fat foods, or processed foods while you're constipated. Replace them with fibre rich plant foods such as dark leafy greens and whole fruits.

If you are still having issues and you’d like to book in for a colonic, click here to make an appointment and we can go through your options.
Good luck!